Narodni ponos v globaliziranem svetu
6. mednarodna konferenca
Vzgoja za ljubezen do domovine in države
23. november 2024
6th International Conference: National Pride in a Globalised World
Šesto mednarodno konferenco (6 MK) Vzgoja za ljubezen do domovine in države bomo v Društvu katoliških pedagogov Slovenije posvetili narodnemu ponosu v svetu, ki postaja vedno bolj na dosegu roke. Naslovili smo jo Narodni ponos v globaliziranem svetu.
V slovenskem šolskem prostoru smo ena redkih organizacij, ki že nekaj let skrbno spremlja in podpira delo učiteljev v slovenskih šolah na področju domoljubja. Na teh konferencah učitelji lahko predstavijo najboljše primere svojega dela, projektov in dogodkov v šolah. Veliko prispevkov je tudi iz zamejstva in izseljenstva, predvsem iz Argentine.
Z globalizacijo, hitrim prenosom informacij, možnostjo potovanj po vsem svetu se prepletajo različne kulture, jeziki, načini življenja, rase in narodi, politike in gospodarske panoge. Udeleženi smo v velikem prepletu lokalne identitete z globalnimi silami. Kako se soočamo s hitrimi spremembami v svetu ter z množičnimi migracijami? Kako se oblikuje nacionalna identiteta v dobi, ko so meje vse bolj zabrisane? Kje so prednosti in kje izzivi? Katere so naše naloge, če želimo ohraniti svojo identiteto in se hkrati ponosno vključiti v globalni svet?
O tem lahko pišemo in govorimo vsi, ki živimo in delamo v Sloveniji, in tudi Slovenci in drugi z vseh koncev sveta. Kako naj narod ohrani svojo identiteto, kulturo, jezik, navade v današnjem svetu? Zakaj je to pomembno? Kako se drugi narodi vključujejo v naše okolje in kaj to pomeni za nas? Kako je na ta proces vplivala osamosvojitev Slovenije? Kam vodi pot izgrajene identitete in narodnega ponosa ter kam pot zabrisanja (narodne) identitete? Česa si želimo in kako bomo tja prišli?
Radi bi slišali več o tem, zakaj je pomemben razvoj osebne in narodne identitete ter kaj jo gradi in kaj razgrajuje. Vsi, ki vzgajamo, smo še posebej poklicani, da živimo odgovorno in aktivno državljanstvo ter skrbimo za spoštovanje, ohranjanje in razvoj prvin, ki gradijo identiteto in prihodnost slovenskega naroda. Pri tem ima posebno mesto ljubezen do svoje kulture, jezika, geografskega območja, naroda. Ljubezen gradi ponos in določa tudi odnos – naš do drugih in odnos drugih do nas.
Konferenca bo 23. 11. 2024 hibridno: v živo v Cerknici in preko spleta.
Odbor za pripravo
- Organizator: DKPS
- Uredniški in organizacijski odbor: Erika Ašič, Klemen Jevnikar, Helena Kregar, Dragica Motik, Tanja Pogorevc Novak, mag. Ivo Piry, mag. Albin Vrabič, Marija Žabjek.
National Pride in a Globalised World
6th International Conference Education for Love of Homeland and Country, 23 November 2024
The Sixth International Conference "Education for Love of Homeland and Country" will be dedicated by the Association of Slovenian Catholic Teachers to national pride in an increasingly interconnected world. We have named it "National Pride in a Globalized World".
We are among the few organizations in the Slovenian school sector closely monitoring and supporting the work of teachers in Slovenian schools regarding patriotism for several years. At these conferences, teachers can showcase the best examples of their work, projects, and events in schools. Many contributions also come from abroad and from emigrants, particularly from Argentina.
With globalization, the rapid dissemination of information, the ability to travel worldwide, and the intertwining of different cultures, languages, lifestyles, races, peoples, politics, and industries, we are immersed in a profound interplay of local identity and global forces. How do we navigate the rapid changes in the world and mass migration? How is national identity forged in an era when borders are increasingly blurred? What are the strengths and challenges? What are our responsibilities if we aim to preserve our identity while proudly integrating into the global world?
All of us who live and work in Slovenia, as well as Slovenians and others from around the world, can contribute to this discussion. How can a nation preserve its identity, culture, language, and customs in today's world? Why is this important? How do other nations integrate into our environment, and what implications does this hold for us? How has Slovenia's independence influenced this process? What are the implications of constructing identity and national pride versus the erosion of national identity? What are our aspirations, and how do we plan to achieve them?
We are eager to delve deeper into why the development of personal and national identity is crucial, what fosters it, and what undermines it. All of us involved in education are especially called to embody responsible and active citizenship and to respect, preserve, and cultivate the elements that shape the identity and future of the Slovenian nation. Within this framework, love for one's culture, language, geographical area, and nation holds a special significance. Love fosters pride and shapes our attitudes — both towards others and others towards us.
The conference will take place on 23 November 2024 in a hybrid format: live in Cerknica and online.
Registration and registration fee
You can register for the conference as a participant and listen to interesting topics (attendance).
Or you can help us co-create the content of the conference with your original expert contribution (active participation).
To apply, please fill in the APPLICATION FORM:
- Deadline for registration (and abstract submission) for participation with a scientific paper (active participation in the conference): 5 July 2024. Please arrange payment of the registration fee or delivery of the order form as soon as possible or by 2 September 2024 (also the deadline for submission of the full paper).
- Deadline for registration for the conference (without contribution): 11/ 11/2024. Registration is valid/confirmed upon receipt of payment or order form. Please arrange payment or delivery of the order form as soon as possible or by 11/11/2024.
The registration fee for the conference is € 135.00 (VAT included). For participants from abroad, participation is subject to availability and agreement. For non-contributing participants, the registration fee is € 60. For DKPS members, the reduced registration fee (for attendance without expert contribution) is € 40. Please pay it to the DKPS account or send us an order form if the participation fee will be paid by the institution.
The fee includes: conference materials, attendance at plenary lectures, preparation of certificates of attendance, evaluation.
Invoice issuer or address for issuing an e-invoice order form:
Rožna ulica 2
E-mail address of the Society:
Tax/VAT ID number: SI 64231160
Registration number: 1205234
IBAN: SI56 6100 0000 9750 496, Delavska hranilnica d. d.
Name of the participant(s) you are paying for, e.g. A. Novak)
In case of cancellation, we will charge the processing costs as a percentage of the seminar value: 3 to 6 days in advance - 20%, 1 to 2 days in advance - 50%, on the day of the seminar or without prior cancellation - 100%.
Cancellations with a contribution after 1 October 2024 will be charged the full registration fee.
Mediji o nas
Mediji o nas - pred konferenco:
- Domovina, 13. 6. 2024: Erika Ašič: Narodni ponos v globaliziranem svetu